Liberty and basic rights

25 May ’04

Too few students in Israel have access to the Anglo-Saxon intellectual tradition that stresses individual rights.

To address this, ICSEP has launched a series of seminars modeled after those given in Europe by The Institute for Economic Studies.

Too few students in Israel have access to the Anglo-Saxon intellectual tradition that stresses individual rights, liberty and the respect for communal institutions that best guard these rights. Israel also lacks, because of its socialist, and subsequently statist heritage, the healthy skepticism about government, and the need to establish checks and balances and have a free press to curb the abuse of power.

ICSEP has launched a series of seminars for university students with leadership potential.

The seminars are modeled after those successfully given in Europe for over a decade by The Institute for Economic Studies. The weekend seminars include 30-50 students who are exposed to six lecturers, workshops and discussions on the following topics (among others):

  • Economics of knowledge and the knowledge of economics
  • Liberalism and ethics
  • How public choices are made
  • The benefits of the market economy
  • The history of liberty and free institutions
  • Natural and human rights
  • Liberalism and community
  • Law and politics

Other recent seminars

All recent program activities

Gilder/Forbes Telecosm 2009 Conference
10 Nov ’09
Tarrytown House Estate, Tarrytown, New York

NCPA Dinner
11 Apr ’08
Dallas, Texas

25 Jun ’07
Strategic Forums Sponsored by Paul Merage

Republican Jewish Coalition
25 May ’05
Washington, DC

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