
ICSEP serves as a clearinghouse of economic expertise, knowledge and resources and as a facilitator for groups and organizations such as the Israel Chambers of Commerce, universities, the Israel Supreme Court’s Institute for Judicial Studies, and the Israel Management Institute.

ICSEP serves as a clearinghouse for economic expertise, knowledge and resources for various bodies, and as a facilitator for many groups and organizations such as the Israel Chambers of Commerce, universities, the Israel Supreme Court’s Institute for Judicial Studies, the Israel Management Institute, and others. Various parties, as well as the local and international media, regularly consult with us.

We recently hosted the noted French businessman and economist Jacques Raiman who worked with a team of Israeli economic consultants to prepare a wide-ranging analysis of needed reforms for the Israeli economy. Our US Vice President Bernard Groveman has initiated a drive for the privatization of the Post Office Bank, a move that could revolutionize Israel’s financial markets.

Other programs


  • ICSEP regularly initiates research projects on major issues of the day.

    Some research has also been done in cooperation with other bodies, such as the International Center of Economic Growth (on Political Business Cycles, published in Public Choice, 1992), and the Koret Foundation (on Small Businesses in Israel).

  • ICSEP regularly undertakes original studies in order to prepare detailed reform plans for Israel’s policy-makers.

    In the mid-1980s ICSEP laid the groundwork for the anti-inflationary policies that proved so successful and for the privatized immigrant absorption policies that enabled the successful integration of the vast majority of immigrants from the former Soviet Union.


  • Since 1998, ICSEP has run economics classes at several Israeli high schools in which over 2,000 students have participated.

    The courses teach the students basic economic concepts and theories, as well as how economics affects their daily lives and career prospects.

    The students also go on at least one field trip to an Israeli enterprise.

  • The only Israeli university students who study market economics are those majoring or minoring in Economics, and even they mostly study economic techniques, not philosophy.

    Since 2000, ICSEP has offered a seminar at Tel Aviv, the Hebrew, and Ben-Gurion universities entitled “The Free Market and its Critics” based on Milton and Rose Friedman’s Free to Choose book and films.



the Israeli public

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