Appreciative policy-makers
“ ICSEP’s approach… is of great interest to a Knesset member like myself who has to face daily concrete policy issues… ”
—Yehoshua Matza
former Minister of Health, Israel -
“The Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress has been one of the few organizations [in Israel], if not the only one, consistently on the right side. ”
—Milton Friedman
Nobel Laureate, Economics -
“ [I] salute the extraordinary work, which Daniel Doron and his institute have undertaken… ”
—Stuart E. Eizenstat
Under Secretary, Treasury, United States -
“ Thanks for the frankness and generosity you have shown me in all our contacts. Your spirit of cooperation has brought resolution to certain bilateral problems. ”
—Tain P. Tompkins
Economic Counselor, US Embassy -
“For many years, Daniel [Doron] and the Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress have prepared the intellectual groundwork for reforming the nation’s economy…” ”
—Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel -
“Daniel Doron is helping me fight the historic battle that is now taking place over the future of Israel’s economy. ”
—Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel -
“ I am very grateful for your flawless hostmanship in arranging… our meetings… my perceptions concerning that part of the world will never be the same. ”
—Antonin Scalia
Justice, Supreme Court, United States -
“ I benefited greatly from hearing many of the first rate speakers and the chance to meet many of the outstanding people you brought together for this conference. ”
—Dr. Ron Kronish
American Jewish Committee -
“ ICSEP is like a breath of fresh air… It deserves the support of all of us who are deeply committed to the survival of a strong and healthy Israel. ”
—Milton Friedman
Nobel Laureate, Economics -
“ In my view, [ICSEP’s] conference contributed substantially to the advancement of free market ideas in Israel. ”
—Uriel Reichman
former Dean, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University -
“ ICSEP’s director, Daniel Doron, is a fearless fighter for a new independent and strong Israeli economy. ”
—Natan Sharansky
Chairman, Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, Shalem Center -
“ You are indeed waging a difficult struggle but it is imperative that you continue to do so. ”
—Stuart Eizenstat
Under Secretary, Treasury, United States -
“ There is no doubt that your action plan deserves deep analysis and that it raises important points. ”
—Benjamin Ben-Eliezer
former Minister of Defence, Israel -
“In an Israeli society long dominated by socialist economic thinking, decades of unabashed support for free market reform makes Daniel a very rare breed. ”
—Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel -
“ The presentations in your excellent conference on New Economics, New Politics in Jerusalem last November were very thoughtful. ”
—Henry L. Clarke
former Counselor for Economic Affairs, US Embassy in Israel -
“ The US Government salutes your achievements, your institute’s achievements… ”
—Stuart E. Eizenstat
Under Secretary, Treasury, United States -
“ In the past decade [ICSEP Director] Daniel Doron has consistently been perhaps the most effective proponent of a strictly free-market approach in Israel… ”
—Milton Friedman
Nobel Laureate, Economics -
“ The economic growth spurred by open markets is the engine to counter Islamist extremism. ICSEP is the beacon for the free market in the Middle East. ”
—Mark Kenny
Rear Admiral, US Navy -
“Your materials are riveting, to the point, and analyse correctly what has taken place… Indeed, a free economy and true democracy march hand in hand, and they shall also lead to true peace… ”
—Shimon Peres
President, Israel -
“Thank you for including me in the dinner with Israeli Supreme Court Justices... I learned a lot... Your Center is surely doing good work.”
—James Buchanan
Nobel Laureate in Economics -
“ Slowly things are moving in the right direction and you rightly claim a substantial amount of credit for ICSEP. ”
—Stuart Eizenstat
Under Secretary, Treasury, United States -
“ I hope decision-makers and policy formulators shall be assisted by your good work when they formulate public policy. ”
—Ya'acov Ne'eman
former Minister of Finance, Israel -
“ [ICSEP] is the main fighter in Israel for free enterprise. Its very lucid statements are day by day making us a freer society. ”
—Danny Gillerman
Ambassador to the United Nations, Israel -
“ Your insights into the many political and bureaucratic problems that face Israel are both provocative and enlightening. ”
—Stephen Goldsmith
former Mayor, Indianapolis, IN -
“ Since as head of ICSEP you find it useful to disseminate [your recent publication], I am confident that I will both enjoy reading it and also learn from it. ”
—Ya'acov Frenkel
former Governor, Bank of Israel -
“ I hope your articles are getting a large audience in Israel. They certainly ought to. ”
—Richard A. Posner
Chief Judge, Court of Appeals, United States -
“ Thanks to ICSEP’s help, I have just completed my first trip to Israel… I am astounded by the number and quality of meetings that were put together… ”
—Jeb Hensarling
former Executive Director, National Republican Senatorial Committee, United States -
“ I am convinced that such a wealth of professional experiences as I had on your study mission shall not come my way for a long time, if ever… ”
—Gadi Sukenik
senior political correspondent, Israel TV -
“ All of us here at The Heritage Foundation applaud you for your extraordinary work in advancing the ideas of the free society, which we share. ”
—Edwin J. Feulner, Jr.
President, Heritage Foundation -
“ The audience at your law and economics conference was perhaps the most influential and outstanding group of jurists ever assembled in Israel. ”
—Uriel Reichman
former Dean, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University -
“ I could not agree with you more on the importance of the economic foundations of the peace process… Thank you again for all of the assistance you have provided… ”
—Edward S. Walker, Jr.
former US Ambassador to Israel -
“ The view of all the justices with whom I spoke was that [your conference] was most successful, both in its contents and in its organization. ”
—Dr. S. Levin
Justice, Supreme Court, Israel -
“ Your conference was an occasion for seminal thinking and the exchange of ideas on the highest level. ”
—S. Levin
Justice, Supreme Court, Israel -
“We need a change towards freer markets. What ICSEP does is to fulfill that role as a catalyst for change. I think it is irreplaceable. ”
—Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel -
“ Your formulations of the problems is the best I have seen. Every word is worth its weight in gold. ”
—Meir Sheetrit
Minister without Portfolio, Finance Ministry, Israel -
“ICSEP has introduced innovative ideas into public life, has started people thinking about economic realities, and is generally doing an excellent job. ”
—Amnon Rubinstein
former Minister of Education, Israel -
“ I fully agree with the thrust of your argument of the close positive link between economic development, civil society and peace. ”
—Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Chairman of the Board, Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development -
“ Your sharp focus and the in-depth and clear analysis of the topics you treat are revealing new sides to issues that are often presented to us in a one-sided way… ”
—Nissim Dahan
former Minister of Health, Israel -
“ Your What You Wanted to Know [book] is most interesting and an important contribution to decision-makers in the economic sphere. ”
—Avi Lubotsky
“ It is important that ICSEP’s voice continue to ring out. Please keep up your efforts on behalf of the Jewish people. ”
—Kenneth Bialkin
Chairman of the Board, American-Israel Friendship League -
“ Your proposed reforms are excellent. If you can get these adopted you will have achieved a miracle. ”
— Milton Friedman
Nobel Laureate in Economics -
“ I learn a lot from your publications and they serve me daily in my Knesset work. ”
—Nissim Dahan
former Minister of Health, Israel