ICSEP facilitates crucial economic reforms and helps overcome resistance to them.
Israel has the potential to become one of the most successful countries in the world, providing prosperity to most of its citizens.
Yet it is still plagued by painful social, economic and political problems rooted in its socialist-statist system.
ICSEP’s mission is to help Israel realize its enormous potential by freeing its economy from the shackles of this regressive system.
ICSEP regularly initiates research projects on major issues of the day.
Some research has also been done in cooperation with other bodies, such as the International Center of Economic Growth (on Political Business Cycles, published in Public Choice, 1992), and the Koret Foundation (on Small Businesses in Israel).
ICSEP regularly undertakes original studies in order to prepare detailed reform plans for Israel’s policy-makers.
In the mid-1980s ICSEP laid the groundwork for the anti-inflationary policies that proved so successful and for the privatized immigrant absorption policies that enabled the successful integration of the vast majority of immigrants from the former Soviet Union.
Since 1998, ICSEP has run economics classes at several Israeli high schools in which over 2,000 students have participated.
The courses teach the students basic economic concepts and theories, as well as how economics affects their daily lives and career prospects.
The students also go on at least one field trip to an Israeli enterprise.
The only Israeli university students who study market economics are those majoring or minoring in Economics, and even they mostly study economic techniques, not philosophy.
Since 2000, ICSEP has offered a seminar at Tel Aviv, the Hebrew, and Ben-Gurion universities entitled “The Free Market and its Critics” based on Milton and Rose Friedman’s Free to Choose book and films.
ICSEP periodically brings leading foreign experts to Israel to share their knowledge and experiences.
ICSEP’s distinguished guests have included Nobel laureates, senior diplomats, Supreme Court judges, renowned editors and prominent businessmen.
ICSEP organizes seminars and conferences for decision-makers on such topics as deregulation, privatization, tax and capital market reform, immigrant absorption, housing, small business development, and pension fund, labor market and healthcare reform.
Attended by thousands and discussed in hundreds of media items, ICSEP seminars have profoundly affected public discourse on economics in Israel.
ICSEP serves as a clearinghouse of economic expertise, knowledge and resources and as a facilitator for groups and organizations such as the Israel Chambers of Commerce, universities, the Israel Supreme Court’s Institute for Judicial Studies, and the Israel Management Institute.
the Israeli public
ICSEP has translated seminal works into Hebrew, such as Milton and Rose Friedman’s Free to Choose and James D. Gwartney and Richard L. Stroup’s What Everyone Should Know about Economics and Prosperity.
Mark Kenny
Rear Admiral, US Navy
“The economic growth spurred by open markets is the engine to counter Islamist extremism. ICSEP is the beacon for the free market in the Middle East.
Shimon Peres
President, Israel
“Your materials are riveting, to the point, and analyse correctly what has taken place… Indeed, a free economy and true democracy march hand in hand, and they shall also lead to true peace…
S. Levin
Justice, Supreme Court, Israel
“Your conference was an occasion for seminal thinking and the exchange of ideas on the highest level.
Stuart E. Eizenstat
Under Secretary, Treasury, United States
“The US Government salutes your achievements, your institute’s achievements…
Uriel Reichman
former Dean, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
“The audience at your law and economics conference was perhaps the most influential and outstanding group of jurists ever assembled in Israel.
Uriel Reichman
former Dean, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
“In my view, [ICSEP’s] conference contributed substantially to the advancement of free market ideas in Israel.
Milton Friedman
Nobel Laureate, Economics
“The Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress has been one of the few organizations [in Israel], if not the only one, consistently on the right side.
Milton Friedman
Nobel Laureate, Economics
“ICSEP is like a breath of fresh air… It deserves the support of all of us who are deeply committed to the survival of a strong and healthy Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel
“Daniel Doron is helping me fight the historic battle that is now taking place over the future of Israel’s economy.
Milton Friedman
Nobel Laureate, Economics
“In the past decade [ICSEP Director] Daniel Doron has consistently been perhaps the most effective proponent of a strictly free-market approach in Israel…
Jeb Hensarling
former Executive Director, National Republican Senatorial Committee, United States
“Thanks to ICSEP’s help, I have just completed my first trip to Israel… I am astounded by the number and quality of meetings that were put together…
Nissim Dahan
former Minister of Health, Israel
“I learn a lot from your publications and they serve me daily in my Knesset work.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel
“For many years, Daniel [Doron] and the Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress have prepared the intellectual groundwork for reforming the nation’s economy…”
Henry L. Clarke
former Counselor for Economic Affairs, US Embassy in Israel
“The presentations in your excellent conference on New Economics, New Politics in Jerusalem last November were very thoughtful.
Edward S. Walker, Jr.
former US Ambassador to Israel
“I could not agree with you more on the importance of the economic foundations of the peace process… Thank you again for all of the assistance you have provided…
Antonin Scalia
Justice, Supreme Court, United States
“I am very grateful for your flawless hostmanship in arranging… our meetings… my perceptions concerning that part of the world will never be the same.
Dr. Ron Kronish
American Jewish Committee
“I benefited greatly from hearing many of the first rate speakers and the chance to meet many of the outstanding people you brought together for this conference.
Tain P. Tompkins
Economic Counselor, US Embassy
“Thanks for the frankness and generosity you have shown me in all our contacts. Your spirit of cooperation has brought resolution to certain bilateral problems.
Avi Lubotsky
“Your What You Wanted to Know [book] is most interesting and an important contribution to decision-makers in the economic sphere.
Stuart Eizenstat
Under Secretary, Treasury, United States
“You are indeed waging a difficult struggle but it is imperative that you continue to do so.
Natan Sharansky
Chairman, Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, Shalem Center
“ICSEP’s director, Daniel Doron, is a fearless fighter for a new independent and strong Israeli economy.
Nissim Dahan
former Minister of Health, Israel
“Your sharp focus and the in-depth and clear analysis of the topics you treat are revealing new sides to issues that are often presented to us in a one-sided way…
Amnon Rubinstein
former Minister of Education, Israel
“ICSEP has introduced innovative ideas into public life, has started people thinking about economic realities, and is generally doing an excellent job.
Stephen Goldsmith
former Mayor, Indianapolis, IN
“Your insights into the many political and bureaucratic problems that face Israel are both provocative and enlightening.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel
“We need a change towards freer markets. What ICSEP does is to fulfill that role as a catalyst for change. I think it is irreplaceable.
Dr. S. Levin
Justice, Supreme Court, Israel
“The view of all the justices with whom I spoke was that [your conference] was most successful, both in its contents and in its organization.
Benjamin Ben-Eliezer
former Minister of Defence, Israel
“There is no doubt that your action plan deserves deep analysis and that it raises important points.
Kenneth Bialkin
Chairman of the Board, American-Israel Friendship League
“It is important that ICSEP’s voice continue to ring out. Please keep up your efforts on behalf of the Jewish people.
Gadi Sukenik
senior political correspondent, Israel TV
“I am convinced that such a wealth of professional experiences as I had on your study mission shall not come my way for a long time, if ever…
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel
“In an Israeli society long dominated by socialist economic thinking, decades of unabashed support for free market reform makes Daniel a very rare breed.
Richard A. Posner
Chief Judge, Court of Appeals, United States
“I hope your articles are getting a large audience in Israel. They certainly ought to.
Danny Gillerman
Ambassador to the United Nations, Israel
“[ICSEP] is the main fighter in Israel for free enterprise. Its very lucid statements are day by day making us a freer society.
Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Chairman of the Board, Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development
“I fully agree with the thrust of your argument of the close positive link between economic development, civil society and peace.
Ya'acov Frenkel
former Governor, Bank of Israel
“Since as head of ICSEP you find it useful to disseminate [your recent publication], I am confident that I will both enjoy reading it and also learn from it.
Milton Friedman
Nobel Laureate in Economics
“Your proposed reforms are excellent. If you can get these adopted you will have achieved a miracle.
Meir Sheetrit
Minister without Portfolio, Finance Ministry, Israel
“Your formulations of the problems is the best I have seen. Every word is worth its weight in gold.
Stuart E. Eizenstat
Under Secretary, Treasury, United States
“[I] salute the extraordinary work, which Daniel Doron and his institute have undertaken…
Edwin J. Feulner, Jr.
President, Heritage Foundation
“All of us here at The Heritage Foundation applaud you for your extraordinary work in advancing the ideas of the free society, which we share.
Ya'acov Ne'eman
former Minister of Finance, Israel
“I hope decision-makers and policy formulators shall be assisted by your good work when they formulate public policy.
James Buchanan
Nobel Laureate in Economics
“Thank you for including me in the dinner with Israeli Supreme Court Justices... I learned a lot... Your Center is surely doing good work.
Stuart Eizenstat
Under Secretary, Treasury, United States
“Slowly things are moving in the right direction and you rightly claim a substantial amount of credit for ICSEP.
Yehoshua Matza
former Minister of Health, Israel
“ICSEP’s approach… is of great interest to a Knesset member like myself who has to face daily concrete policy issues…
Recent commentary
The Jerusalem Post
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9 Jan ’14
The Jerusalem Post
11 Jul ’13
The Weekly Standard
7 Jun ’13
The Weekly Standard
22 Apr ’13
Israel Hayom
2 Jan ’13